From Venting to Vibing
A structured, validating community for problem-solving teachers.
With support, we'll hear each other out and suggest solutions.
What's the Plan?
This brief workshop is meant to support like-minded educators to support each other in acknowledging real challenges in supportive, actionable ways.
Each "From Venting to Vibing" will check in about agreements (see below), go over roles and timing, and answer logistical questions. From there, participants will move to small groups (4-6 educators), and discuss challenges in carefully structured conversations. Most participants can expect to both present a challenge and support 2-3 other educators with their own challenges. It's ok to participate and only support, it's not realistic to hope to present a challenge without also listening to other colleagues' challenges.
By workshop's end, each participating educator will leave with:
Connections with educators from around the USA who are committed to values-centered, re-moralized practice
Perspective on a challenge that will likely support a shift in thinking at least, and a concrete plan of action at most
Practice working with willing colleagues to move away from complaining and towards solution oriented thinking
This workshop is free to all participants.
Acknowledging professional pain is a courageous decision, and it deserves to be supported with compassion, care, and confidentiality.
By registering, all participants agree to:
Speak from your own experience, and refrain from offering advice or opinions about others' situations.
Honor confidentiality, both by leaving names of colleagues out of shared examples and by ensuring that no one's information (name, location, etc) is shared outside of sessions.
Welcome each other by displaying pronouns, pronouncing each others' names correctly when in small group, and approaching each other in gratitude for all we can learn from each other. Harrassment, bullying, and hate speech are not per mitted, and will be met with swift removal and disenrollment.